Saturday 1 October 2016

Be Sure.........

This is my last day in this beautiful spot sitting at the side of a lake. The sounds of nature around me and the wonderful walks in the woodland has made this a week to be remembered. All going well I will return to this beautiful part of France.

I have had my moments of laughter here also. All around the little lake there are spots where those who fish have maade little sitting areas by the bank. Some of them have as many as four rods all with lines cast into the water and there they sit patiently waiting. I was beginning to think there were no fish in the lake because I never saw any fish being caught. 

If I asked any of them they all told me the same tale. "I had one on my line but it got away." I jokingly told them that the amount of bait they were throwing into the water to attract the fish to where their lines were would have bought a few nice fish.

This reminded me of the story of the husband who was away fishing all day from very early in the morning. He had caught nothing. On his way home he popped into the fish shop.

He asked the fishmonger for four large freshwater trout. He then asked the fishmonger to throw them at him. 

The fishmonger was perplexed, "why do yu want me to throw them at you?"

"Well then I can honestly tell my wife I caught them."

"Well you had better catch this salmon I am going to throw at you," he said.

"Why?" asked the fisherman.

"well your wife was in hear earlier and said I was to tell you she really fancied that you catch a nice salmon rather than the usual trout."

Be sure your sins will find you out my father used to warn me. 

Have a good day.

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