Monday 24 October 2016

I was home.

I went walking yesterday with my son and daughter law. I walked along the high path above the sea a path with some beautiful views from Fife over the Over Forth towards Edinburgh with its castle showing even from that distance. 

As my walk progressed I began to look forward to a little stop at the bistro on the beach. As I approached I saw a well known face, that of Gordon Brown the ex Prime Minister. I used to be friendly with his father who was a minister in the town next to where I was a minister. So I stopped and passed the time of day with him. 

 As I left it him took me back many years to when I would have similar meetings with people who knew me because I was either a minister or a teacher. I also remembered how I often used to wish that I could just go out and have a walk and have to speak to nobody at all. 

I was wondering if maybe I left him with just that feeling. 

This in turn remind me of a funny event from a similar situation. 

When I was a minister I visited the members of my congregation, and others on a very regular basis. I saw it as an important aspect of my job.

One  afternoon I went to visit some such church members. 
At one house, it was obvious that someone was home, but nobody came to the door even though I knocked several times. 
For such occasions I had visiting cards that I left with a message on them to let people know I had called.
On this occasion I took out the card knowing somebody was at home and not responding to my knock and I wrote out on the card,  'Revelation 3:20 , and stuck it in the door:
NowI wondered if they would take time to read that passage. If they did they would read:-
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me."
You can imagine my surprise when on Sunday  morning, the card turned up in the collection plate. Below my Bible text was written another text. 
Genesis 3: 10.
I smiled because I was aware of what that text said. 
I am tempted to let you look it up for yourself  but I will not be so cruel it reads:-
"I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself."
Yes it happened. 
Never be too clever with using quotations because there is always a comeback one waiting to get you. 
Have a wonderful day. 

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