Sunday 1 July 2018

With an eye on the journey.

The very first time I came to France one of the first things I noticed were the many crosses and crucifixes at crossroads and junctions. It seemed that every village had its cross or crucifix. Another thing that I kept coming across as I cycled and walked were the many roadsides shrines. In one of the places I visited a few weeks ago, there used to be five little shrine-like chapels in a very small area of land. Now there are only two such left in that place.

This is the one I ventured into and mentioned in an earlier blog.  I remembered these words and read them,

Wade the warm stream
the shrine across the river of golden sound
Where the drunken bee drones the holy syllable
over the crimson lotus.
Rich mango magenta and spice offerings
Are piled high by the devout.
Entering into hut of blue stone
Cool black interior smeared with incense and
Pierced with tiny triangles of candle flame
Ordinary cares fall to the crystalline floor.
Fiery letters appear in the air
And reappear in your heart.

I have become very aware that there is a purpose in those many shrines that I had almost completely turned my back on. There is something meaningful about going on a pilgrimage. A good few of my walks in the past few weeks have felt like mini-pilgrimages as I have walked the tracks in silence.

The place you are heading for is not at all important it is sense of purpose and the inner feelings and thoughts that become important. To visit a place, a shrine or a symbol is minor if there is from the journey a feeling of change and calm within the inner being.

I remember when I lived on Iona many people spoke of the great feeling of spirituality they felt when stepping from the boat onto the island. Living on the island I did not sense this in the same way but maybe if I made a return visit all those years later like them I just may feel something similar.

There is some deep truth in the idea that when it comes to sacred sites and places that it is better to be a pilgrim rather than a tourist.

Where I am living at present there is a large rocky mountain visible from my motorhome. The other day as I walked I saw a group of cyclists stop and all were excitedly pointing up at this. There was almost a sense of mystic in the air as they spoke of what they viewed. I was aware of what they were pointing up at but could not help but look. There might well have been a cross at the top of the hill, but no what there is is the modern day equivalent, a large new mobile telephone mast. Maybe this will be the shrines of the future and mobile phone carriers the pilgrims of tomorrow.

Might I ask your forgiveness that I have been rather heavy these last few days talking on and on about inner thoughts and feelings?

I hope my last thought on these matters, but who knows what today may bring?  let me end with this little thought. Maybe we need to revisit the idea of pilgrimage and even though we are not going on a religious pilgrimage there is something worthy in making a journey in the sense of being on a pilgrimage. Where you travel to is unimportant but go with a humble attitude and let your heart be lifted with the experience. Then you will receive the true treasure of the world of nature and the places of meaning.

Have a great day I will do my very best to lighten up, I promise.

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