Monday 9 July 2018

Unbounded joy.

To hear the birds sign high above,
To listen to the butterfly wings,
To soar like an eagle,
Rustle of leaves in a gentle breeze.
This is to feel love,
This is to know life.

My day started with a gentle walk as I prepared to begin my day. Just another day here in France, my second last day before heading towards the ferry back to the UK.

I knew it was not going to be just another day because I planned to cycle to Troyes and I knew that this would involve a cycle of at least forty-two miles, and the temperature was to be high. But I wanted once again to see the beautiful ancient city with its many very narrow streets and ancient style architecture.

I always look to such a cycle as a challenge not to be treated lightly, even more so as I become aware of the hands of time.

But the day almost instantly became something very special. As I left the site the silence of the morning captured me in its grasp. My legs joined with the song of the birds that soared into the sky and I moved with effortless ease. The beautiful lake and landscape became one with me.

It is not every day that you are blessed to feel so at one with nature and life. Everything takes on a special momentum, every turn of the pedal has its own glorious cadence. Life flows through your body and energy gives rise to a thrilling crescendo of knowing. Nerves are aglow as you go with the flow of life and the flow of life is at one with you.

When such moments happen you can feel a perfect harmony with every creature around and the eye sees many more than it would on any normal day, even moving at this faster pace.

When life comes to you like this, the Taoists would call it being at one with the Chi, others would say they were at one with the spirit. When you feel this way ride with it, go with it for all that you are worth. Do not interfere. Do not stop, do not interfere. Do not try to direct it, just let it flow because such moments in life do not come often.

In such moments put aside all everyday concerns and as long as the song lasts let it soar and join with the song of the birds. Just follow.

It is a great blessing to have moments of oneness with others and with creation but it seems that the more you let nature in the more it knocks on the door of your heart.

Rejoice in a new day and go with the flow. I cannot believe that as I sat relaxing this beautiful butterfly came and said hello. I just had to paint it.

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