Saturday 21 July 2018

We need a target.

This last week I have spent much of my time trying to get the village looking good for next weeks judging for the Fife in Bloom. Here judges walk around the village and give an award on the basis of what we have managed to accomplish.

Many of the tasks I have been doing are those tasks that the judges might not notice the work that has gone into them, but had they not been done they would have noticed that they had not.

Yesterday I spent a long morning in pouring rain cleaning a length of a pathway and road of all weeds, litter and fallen leaves. There were times when I am sure my companion and I would have happily given in and gone home, it was a long and backbreaking job. 

But there is always a feeling of achievement when the target is reached and the job accomplished. Every day this week we have reached our target and we are almost ready for the big day. Another two days of work ahead. 

My painting this morning has been inspired by the many many piles of rubbish I have collected in the past week. A broken world coming back together. I think I will paint this on a canvas using acrylic paint and broken glass.

I have done much thinking this week as I have toiled.

Throughout my life, I have had, from a young age, sought to find meaning and purpose in my life. I have sought many philosophies and religions to seek help in my search.

But such meaning and purpose can never be found in a religion or philosophy alone. The religion or philosophy has also to lead to actions. it is not words that are important but the actions they inspire. 

Far too many get caught up in the words and the actions come to nothing.

Setting short-term goals for each stage of the journey helps us to discover and experience life in its fullness with a sense of achievement. Long-term goals give us a sense of perspective and continuity. If the only target and goal is something to be achieved at the very end of life such a sense will never be reached and we will have nothing but broken moments.

Targets and goals give focus to the experiences that accumulate and bring meaning.

Our goals should be meaningful and personal because nobody knows us better than ourselves. 

For me, I have daily targets that come from my going with the flow and never a day goes past with my awakening to the targets of my day. 

For me, there is, of course, a long-term goal, a gracious death with no regrets. And my many targets day by day I hope will help me have just that. 

Have a great day.

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