Friday 27 July 2018

I just want to know.

I must have been a bit of a nightmare as a young boy I was forever asking questions. I think this was partly to do with the difficulty I had with reading in those early years and most of my school days.

The simple and easy way for me to learn was to ask questions. I found remember things I was told vocally stuck in my head and I had little difficulty in recalling them.

My father was very patient with my questions I cannot remember him not making an attempt to answer all my questions. Of course, the answers I got from him only gave me one side of any story. If I asked him about religion I would get a very full answer but it would be an answer coming from an atheist point of view. To get the other side of the story I had to seek out those who believed in religion and a god.

My mother made an effort to answer my questions but her patience was not nearly as long-standing as my fathers. She would frequently tell me to go to the library to seek my answers. I never really worked out if that was because she did not know herself or it was something else.

Of course, libraries were not places I visited very often a swirl of words and letters never gave me the answers sought.

I always smile when I see young children walking with their parents and bombarding them with questions. How I would love to be part of such moments. 

There was a young boy who was similarly asking his mother all sorts of questions, some of them somewhat personal.

One day while talking with his mother he asked her. "Mum, how old are you? " "Oh that is a very personal question, it is not polite to ask a lady how old she is."

"Mum, can you tell me how much you weigh?" OH, I cannot tell you that either, it is never polite to ask a lady what she weighs."

"Well can you tell me, mum, why my father left home and went away to live somewhere else?"

"Someday I will explain that to you son. It is all very complicated and difficult to understand."

The boy wandered off feeling very unfulfilled he had not managed to get a single answer to any of his questions.

The next day on his way to school he was telling his best friend how he had tried to get answers to some questions with no success.

"That is easy to find out, " Said his friend All that information is on your mother driving license."

So the next morning he got up very early and sneaked into his mothers' purse and took out the license. 

Later that day he said to her. "I have found out the answer to all my questions." "You have," she said. 

The little lad told her. "You are 31.  You weigh 126." I even know why my father left. The mothers' curiosity was really stretched now.  "Why was that do you think."

"It was because you only got an F for sex."

When seeking answers and understanding it is always wise to seek out the very best source for such knowledge and know that it can be relied upon. 

Have a marvellous day. 

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