Saturday 30 June 2018

The Shortcut.

I have a love of little back streets especially the ones found here in France. You just never know what you are going to see around the little turn. This little sketch has a sense of humour attached to it.  Who would ever expect to see a barbers pole up such an alleyway? 

I have called this painting," The place of the shortcut." Those who read my blogs know that I just love to visit the hairdresser, twice a year whether I need it or not.  So the short cut would not have much interest for me if it was in a barbershop. But if you are looking for a haircut do not look down this alley because there was not one there.

My mind was indeed on haircuts the other day having been told twice that I should consider getting one.

I also thought of haircuts in another context. I saw some monks who had all cut their hair very short, almost bald as a symbol of their renunciation of worldly possessions, yet some of them were wearing little skull caps.

Why renounce worldly things when you really cannot? Before you cut your hair ask if you can, in fact, give up the things of the world you are attached to. I am sure before they joined a monastery they had asked themselves if they were ready for the life of a monastic order. 

Please be assured I am in no way mocking those who so choose to follow this path.

My thoughts were slightly different even though inspired by seeing them. Every path we choose in life has its sacrifices and its hardships. Before we embark on any path of life we should first investigate fully if we are prepared for what will be called for.

Why join a golf club if you do not like playing golf? Why take up painting if you are not interested in the daily time it takes to become a painter?

Whoever you are live your life completely. If you are a carpenter, be the best carpenter that you can be. If you are a saint, then be the very best saint. If you are common, then be common. If extraordinary, be extraordinary.

People only err and feel miserable when they try to be what they are not.

Have a marvellous day.

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