Saturday 9 June 2018

The Sound of Silence.

The above painting contains three things that a very important in life for me. The first is the apple. I am now in the habit of eating an apple beginning at the halfway point of my morning walk. I can categorise apple as to whether they will be a half mile or a mile apple depending on how long it will take me to consume. The second is a book. Some may see a hint of the particular book depicted but any book that challenges and or inspires me would take its place. The third is a blank canvas waiting to be filled with art. The excitement of the first mark and the last one.

One other thing I hope the painting shares is the sound of silence. More and more as I get older I desire some time of peace and quiet. It is not always an easy thing to find in the hustle and bustle of modern living, so I get up very early and find quiet solitude.

Silence does not come easily unless we find the time to make it happen for us. Nobody else will do it for us. The reality is that we stand alone in this life in terms of fulfilling or not our lives. Even those of us who live with other members of the family can depend on them living our lives for us. If there are things that make life more meaningful and become important to us we have to make time for those precious moments and things.

Therefore do not sigh over misfortune or adversity. Whether you are sad or happy is not down to anybody else but yourself, it is entirely up to yourself. So it is wise to know the things in life that are important to you and make space for them.

There is a humorous tale that makes it a lighthearted way a similar point. 

A grumpy old senior was finding modern life far too noisy and rushed. he wondered who could help him to find a better way. He decided to join a monastery and take a vow of silence. He is told he can utter two words every seven years.

After the first seven years, he is called before the seniors and they ask him for his two words. He says,"Cold floors." They nod and they send him on his way.

Seven years later he again finds himself before the seniors. They ask for his two words. he clears his throat and says, "Poor food." They nod and send him on his way.

After another seven years, they bring him before them again. His two words, "I quit." 

"That is not surprising," says the sage. "You have done nothing but complain since you got here."

Have a wonderful day surrounded by the things that fill your life with peace and happiness. 

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