Sunday 10 June 2018

The joys of being a Scot.

I spotted this on my morning walk for a brief moment I thought I was back in Scotland. This is almost the national emblem of my home country.

Now Scotland has a wonderful ability to put themselves down. They can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on a regular basis. It seems that is is in the Genes. One of the difficulties of life.

Here is a little question. Have you ever had a knot in your shoelace and had to bend down to untie it?

We are all faced with difficulties in life. We each respond in our own ways to adversity and difficulties.

Some of us give into to the problems, some of us fight like fury. Some of us marshal all our resources to face the difficulties Some of us pretend they are not there.

One way or another the downside is that for many the difficulties of life will get us down, wear us to a standstill.

The wise respond with a sense of modesty. They quietly face the situation, they meditate upon the problem and concentrate on it until they find a solution. They do not apply undue force but they also do not give in to it.

They examine the situation and carefully undo it. It is like bending down to untie that knot in the shoelace.

So many of we Scots can become so meek and insecure, they become so humble that they become self-defeating. So many Scots despite the many talents they have allowed their personalities to be such that they fail to reach their potential.

How am I such an expert on this problem of the difficulties of life?  Because far too often I manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I need to learn, yes even at my age, that for every problem there is usually a solution waiting to be found.

I am on the move again today off to a little town further along the coast called Agde. This is a spot I have had some wonderful experiences and met some really nice people. 

Hopefully, I will be online again as normal. Have a wonderful day.

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