Tuesday 5 September 2017

More Little Thinking

Back in shorts and sitting outside for meals what could be better than that? Not a lot to be honest. Spent yesterday exploring the area around the site I moved to. A beautiful spot with a castle sitting high above the town. The place is famous with its historical links to Richard the Lionheart.

The campsite sits on the banks of the Siene.

Still not as yet got my head around much more than little fighting thoughts that make me think but not go into any further than the thought itself.

I am very aware of the cost of things now that the pound and the Euro are almost of equal value. I was thinking that despite the cost of living, living remains very popular.

I intend to live forever and so far so good.

If you eat toads legs for breakfast there is nothing worse can happen for the rest of the day.

Having the freedom to roam here in France I was thinking back bereft that I am no longer back at home doing a days work. For those of you who are doing just that. Remember you can go anywhere if you look serious and carry a clipboard.

Just before I go and explore some more, remember a pat on the shoulder is just a short space away
from a kick in the butt.

Have a great day.

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