Monday 18 September 2017

Be Sure Your Sins.

I had an interesting discussion the other day with one of my friends who had purchased a new cycle and was enjoying the freedom it had brought her to explore.  I teased her a bit about it having a battery, and really do hope she realised I was teasing. Later I felt a bit bad that I had teased,because anything that gets more people out cycling the better.

Because of my discussion I have been looking and seeing a great many people out enjoying the beautiful countryside here in France and all enjoying the experience. It is indeed marvellous.

While out walking today I passed this bike propped against a gate. I just could not resist trying to paint it.  No battery in fact hardly anything of it left but believe it or not I saw an old man jump on it and head off towards the village.

As most know my son is a lawyer so when I read a true tale I could not resist reselling it.

The lawyer had purchased a very expensive box of cigars. They had cost a great deal, I suppose that is what expensive means, but so much he insured them.

When he read the policy through after he received it in the mail he noticed the insurers had sent him cover for fire and theft. Surely they must be wrong? He read it again. No they had made an error surely.

He put the policy in a safe place and enjoyed the first if the cigars. Having smoked them all and made the first payment on his policy he put in a claim against loss.

He told the insurers they had been consumed in a series of small fires.

The insurers refused to pay. He took them to court and argued his case which he won. He was awarded the cost of the cigars and the cost of his trial expenses.

Haws feeling extremely pleased with himself and put in an order for another box of the cigars.

But the tale does not end there. A week later he was sued by the insurance company claiming he had committed arson.

The case went to trial and he was found guilty and given a two year prison service.

Beware your sins may catch you out my mother used to say.

Have a great day and happy cycling if you do.

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