Sunday 27 January 2019

Unexpected Events.

I was thinking yesterday of how life sometimes hits us with the unexpected and all our plans go out the window. While thinking about this I found myself remembering a very true story a student of mine had written during his first week in my class. I often set this little task of them writing something about themselves as it helped in so many ways for me to get to know them a bit better and in a shorter time scale.

The young lad produced a rather moving story that I share with you now. It went something like this.

I was thirteen and living a dream, or what our family would class as a dream. I was being chauffeured around in sparkly, red, metallic Lamborghinis. My dad took so much joy and pride in his cars giving them names and personalities. He owned a huge oil company that was located not far from where we had a beautiful large house.   

I had to brothers John 10 and Daniel, 16. We were a tough threesome to care for but we knew our mum was the best for the job. We were a really close family and nothing but love was shared. Our house was a meeting point, a place that would stand tall in times of trouble, a place we could come back to if nothing turned out right, a place where we felt safe, a place that we called home.

We had lived in Scotland all our lives. Out the front of our house stood tall, overgrown, peach tree. That would produce the most delectable peaches in the world. They would fill your mouth with creamy nutritional protein. 

Our parents weren’t believers in bigger is better nor more expensive is better. They were just happy to have a roof over their heads. They weren’t at all worried how rich they were. Money was nothing to them at all. They even told us that we were never going to live in a mansion there was just no need. They were not the type of people that were snotty about what brands their possessions were such as clothes and food they just told us that we were lucky to have clothes. 

My parents were unique, everything they did was unique and that’s what I loved about them. We would donate any clothes that did not fit us, half of our parent’s wages and just about anything we could to help others out. Each charity would thank us dearly even when we were just walking by. 

I would lay dreamily on my bed, gazing at the stars, thinking about just how good we have got it.

One afternoon in spring my parents sat down and gestured for me to do the same too so I did. My mum reached out her hands towards mine to grab it, so I did that too. They started talking, but I wasn’t in the right place to listen to anyone so I tried desperately to tune them out with my selective hearing powers. 

They rambled on for ages or what felt like a very, very long time! Until they came to the conclusion of the word, “Divorce.” 

And from then on, my whole world came crashing down!

So the story went. Based on the reality of his parents having been divorced and he lives apart from his father the rest was mostly his dreams.

Always be prepared for the unexpected we never know what is around the corner. 

Have a great day.

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