Sunday 13 January 2019

Flying kites and hitting balls.

I played a game of golf with my sone yesterday the first in a while. It was nice to be out and about swinging my arms and walking and on the whole, hitting some good and true golf shots. Now, who or what was it that was hitting the golf shots?

We live now in an age when golf clubs are so sophisticated, not that I have any of this sort. MY son has clubs that can be adjusted moving the weight in the head of the club to try and compensate for something he is doing that is making the ball fade to one side or the other.

So when using such a club it could be correct to ask the question who is hitting this shot? Is it the person holding the club or is it the club?

I found myself asking this same question later as we passed along the edge of the beach and watched a father and son flying a kite.

I found my mind on another flight of fancy.

Who flies the kite? 

"I," said the boy, "it is my joy. I fly the kite.

"Who flies the kite? 

"I," said the wind, "it is my whim. I fly the kite.

"Who flies the kite? 

"I," said the string. "I am the thing that flies the kite. "Who flies the kite? 

"I," said the tail. 

"I make it sail. I fly the kite.

"Who flies the kite? 

All are wrong. All are right. All fly the kite.

All the technology in the world is useless if you cannot relax and swing the club with ease to make the contact with the ball straight and true.

Life is so much easier when we all pull together and work in harmony. We only have to look towards the governing of the United Kingdom and the United States of America to see the chaos that arises when people cannot pull together. 

before this can happen those in power have to once again realise what it is that they are about. They have to act not for themselves or for the party but make decisions on behalf of and for the good of the people.

We sometimes have to stop flying kites and work with the kite so that it might fly.

Have a good day.

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