Wednesday 8 August 2018

What are the Odds?

I really am hopeless at painting cats unless they are tigers. I have to have some more attempts at doing them before I ever try to paint anybody's cat for real. This one is based on a cat I passed on my walk a few days ago. I thought before trying the complete face I would try just around the eyes. So difficult. 

Now maybe I should admit that there are some things that I am just not good at and stick to the things I am. But ever the optimist I keep trying to find a new challenge. 

Fortunately this optimistic side of me I have learned to keep in check. Being the kind of person who does nothing by half I learned that there are some things it is wise to stay well away from. 

I have never in my life allowed myself to become involved in gambling if I won I might like many others think that it was a good idea to try again. 

I am not like many of my friends who seem to be incurable optimists and believe that there is a very good chance that one day they may win the lottery. I, on the other hand, know that there is a higher percentage chance of getting killed on the road while out walking. I take that more seriously than watching numbers spin from a tumbler. 

 It was Oscar Wilde who said, "Horse sense is what keeps horses from betting on what people will do."

Another famous author had something equally salutary to say about this topic. He said, "There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it, and when he can."

Maybe the same can be said about my feeble attempts at painting cats. 

it is probably true that the safest way to stay out of trouble in life is to stick with what you know and only bet on certainties. 

This has been a kind of unwritten motto of mine but having tried and failed at the above cat I know that I will not be happy until I try another.

On the other hand on the subject of betting and gambling, I leave that to the old grandmother. 

There was an old grandmother, a staunch member of the Baptist Church.  

She had taken her grandson to Sunday School and the Baptist Church regularly. 

One day her grandson visited her and told her that now that he was married he was going to be attending the Episcopal church. 

She challenged him by saying,  "What's wrong with the Baptist Church, son?" 

He replied, "Well," let me  explain, "Carole and I flipped a coin to see if we would go to her church or mine, and I lost." 

"Serves you right," said the grandmother. "Good Baptists don't gamble."

I make no judgement but leave you with the thought, what are the odds on the lottery and having a road accident?  

have a marvellous day.

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