Friday 10 August 2018

Born free!

Another lion another attempt think this one is much the same standard as the last one slightly more detail. Not at all sure about the whiskers but they are not easy to get correct so I will stop trying on this one. I think he just might be ok. 

Not only did I count the hairs on this one's head I also counted the number of different colour changes I had to make to do this painting frightening.

As I painted I could not help thinking that this animal is very much a beast of its own, it is not a controlled animal having little or no predators. I remember as a boy seeing such an animal in a circus with a man cracking a whip. I was even at that age that this animal was doing what did not come natural and I never ever attended another circus right up to this day. I have run past circus tents and fields in Spain and France and seen these animals in cages and feel nothing but sadness at the sight. 

This animal was as the song says, "Born free to be free."

As I sit and write all the news in my country is about a certain politician who has taken his right to freedom of speech to make a mockery of certain people in society. I do not wish to get into the debate, even though it is a debate that we need to have, but it has to be a civilised debate where everybody's right to freedom is recognised. Sadly we each want our freedom often without considering the other side.

It was John Henry Newman who said, "Liberty of thought is in itself a good but it gives an opening to false liberty." In other words, the freedom to act and the freedom of speech if left without any constraints will inevitably lead to other being hurt or harmed.

Thomas Huxley said something very similar when he said, "A man's worst difficulties begin when he is able to do as he likes." Of course in this day and age, we would say that a person's worst difficulties. 

I think something that is being lost in our world at present is the awareness that freedom also brings with it responsibilities. it is correct that we should have the right and freedom to act and speak but it must never be done without the added responsibility of the others persons right and freedom. 

If our first call is to accuse another of less than freedom democracy is in serious danger. 

One or two last little thoughts that come from our distant past history worthy of thought are these.  

"Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong."  This was said by one called John Diefenbaker. The other spoken by Cicero,"We are in bondage to the law in order that we may be free."

I am smiling as I come to the point of saying no more. I am thinking is it not something when a painting of a lion can mix up my head in such a way? 

have a clear thinking day and a day full of joy. 

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