Monday 6 August 2018

Life in its fullness.

I Was informed yesterday morning by apple that in the last week I spent on average one hour and twenty-six minutes a day on my various devices. They know this because at present I am part of the trailing of new software that will be released in the autumn. One of its many new functions is letting users know how much time they are spending on computing devices.

When I told my family they all burst out laughing and I knew exactly why. Somehow or other the system is not working.  I know that I spend more than an hour a day preparing this blog. I am also aware that one of the dog paintings I did last week on my iPad took a very minimum of four hours on one day and a bit more the next. To be really honest this is not the kind of information I really want to know. I am afraid if I give this too much thought I might give up on some of the things I do on computer devices.

Giving this some thought I wondered about some of the other things I do in my fairly full life. I spend at least two hours a day doing brisk walking.

Doin a little research into to this, I found some information somebody had gathered together and made into a table.

In the researcher's opinion, a person living for 70 years will do the following.

Sleep................23 years...........32.9%
Work.................16 years...........22.8%
TV....................8 years...........11.4%
Eating................6 years............8.6%
Travel................6 years............8.6%
Leisure.............4.5 years............6.5%
Illness...............4 years............5.7%
Dressing..............2 years............2.8%
Religion............0.5 years............0.7%

Total................70 years............100%

Now I am aware that this is his research and there are things there that I would most certainly not agree with. It is interesting nevertheless.  I wonder what I could have done with those 23 years of sleeping? Maybe I should have been a nudist and saved on the time spent dressing? Having been a parish minister for almost twenty years the figure for religion is well out. I make no comment on how well spent that time was. 

It is a strange thing this, LIFE, and what we do with it. 

While thinking about this some of that useless information that fills my brain popped to the fore. More than half of the females on the Titanic at the time of the last meal served aboard it waved the dessert trolly away. Had they know what was ahead of them I wonder would they have seized the day and had two desserts?

The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. Much time is frittered away on things that are possibly not the best way to use such a valuable commodity. Yesterday I spent over two hours hitting a little ball around a field and into little holes. What else might I have done with those precious moments? 

On reflection, not a great deal that would have been better because I also used that time to have quality time with my son and best friend. 

it is not really the time we spend on certain things but the quality of what comes out of that time. Anyway, if I could live my whole life again I do not think I would have the strength. 

I hope I have used my life for the good and what I have left of it before me I hope will be of value to those around me. Never mind the length feel the quality.

Have a great day.

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