Wednesday 1 August 2018

A hero?


Not the best portrait of this famous man but it is not the worst either. The first ever record I actually went out and bought was Beethoven's third symphony. I cannot say that I ever bought many pop records although I did listen to many. 

My second record purchase was also a classical record Holst, The Planets. I sill listen to both of those records but now in digital format. 

My friends could never fathom what it was that I liked classical music, some of them were sure I was an oddball and they were probably correct.

I remember reading about Beethoven the man on the record sleeve and doing further research into his life.

I was fascinated that a man who could not hear for the largest part of his life could still write stirring music like his, "Eroica Symphony," and his "Ode to Joy." Such moving music that he could not actually hear. 

He was an angry man and I could most surely understand why. The frustrations he must have felt as he tried to produce the music that stirred in his head. He looked like a wild man also never bothering much about hairstyle just pouring water over his head and pulling his hands through it, something else I have in common with him.

He inspired me as a youth. having all these problems and still managing to overcome them. he was even able to conduct an orchestra without hearing any more than the vibrations of the music flowing from the orchestra.

A strange hero and role model indeed but his life encouraged me to overcome many of my reading and writing problems and inspired me to try many of the things that have over the years brought me much joy.

I was fascinated by the thought that he could write such music and when he looked at his scribbled notes on the music paper he could with looking hear it in his head. I wanted to be able to do that. I took up playing the clarinet and learning to read music. Something that again has given me much pleasure and I have produced some hymns and music in the past.

We live in an age of personality and celebrity. Sadly many do not measure up as good role models. But as I sit today I am hoping that the winner of the Tour De France will be an inspiration and role model to many young people, he seems to be one worthy of that role.

On a more mundane level, I wonder how we would measure up as role models? I would love to think that over the years I have in some small way inspired others to achieve. 

I am grateful for all those who over my lifetime have been such to me. They who are still around I hope they know I am grateful to them. Iain, my first meeting with a man who not only preached but lived by his message. My first head teacher in education who lived for the success of his students, my first principal teacher who put me on the correct road to teaching others.

There are so many more who inspired me and saw in me what I did not see in myself. I thank them all. 

It is an honourable thing to be able to inspire others and I am sure many who read this, this morning do just that. 

Thank you all. have a great day.

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