Wednesday 15 August 2018

The road of travel.

I cannot remember how many times in my life I have been told to keep to the straight and narrow way but it must be many times. it is a phrase I am well familiar with so I must have heard it often.

There have been many times when I wished I had paid heed to the message. There has been more than once when I have strayed from the proper way up a mountain thinking that I could see a simpler and more direct route only to find myself on some ledge or edge and my bottom hanging out over a very deep drop.

On the other side of this coin, there is one time when I wished I had indeed kept to the straight and narrow path, There was the time when I left the path to just get a little higher to get a clearer and better view. having seen what I wanted I jumped back down onto the path only to find my feet slipping out from under me and my weight taking me over the edge of a very deep drop.

Having started the downward projectory there was nothing I could do, there was only one way of travel and that was down. It was a considerable drop and I had time to hit the side twice on the way to the bottom. It was an even bigger drop in terms of my life and future life.

Between the top and the bottom, I made a decision to leave the ministry of religion and seek another path. I am not aware of how it happened but the other rather dramatic change was that my hair changed from its red to snow white overnight, I awoke the next morning with it almost as white as it is now. SO a path I might have been better staying on. 

Many declare that they wish to travel the road that will lead them to a peaceful and happy life. They say they wish to reach that point of realisation of the purpose of the journey of life. They say it but our actions say something else because if this was all we wanted then we would never stray and we would find what the Buddhist call enlightenment and Christians call at one or, atonement.

Such instant realisation seldom happens because we are all easily distracted from the path of travel. This is alright it is fine to be sidetracked now and again but the wise keep in sight what they hope will be their final destination. For me at this moment in time that would be the ability to be at one with the Tao, or at one with the Chi of life. To be in harmony with all around me and to feel the peace and love of nature. 

To know the goal whatever it is is of course of the utmost importance.

Dwight W. Morrow searched in vain to find his rail ticket as he was on a train leaving New York City. "I must find that ticket," he muttered. 

The conductor, who stood waiting beside him, said, "Don't worry about it, Mr Morrow. We know you had a ticket. Just mail it to the rail office when you find it." 

"That is not what's troubling me," replied Morrow, "I need to find it to know where I'm going." 

In Alice in Wonderland, when Alice comes to a junction in the road that leads in different directions, she asks the Cheshire Cat, "Cheshire-Puss...would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?" 

"That depends a good deal on where you want to go to," said the Cat. 

"I don't much care where," replied Alice. 

"Then it doesn't matter which way you go." 

So the question is, are you Like Dwight or are you like Alice? Alternatively, do you have a clear picture of where you would like to be?

The alternative to knowing seems to be following the lemmings off the cliff edge. or as we hear so often at present in our present climb just keep heading where we are with not a clue where we want to be. 

It does seem kind of important for whatever that we know the road of travel.

Hae a great day.

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