Thursday 30 November 2017

The Donkey Road

There is a race that takes place once a year in the little village of Aberdour. It is called the Donkey Brae Race. I have taken part in it and it is a marvellous race with some lovely coastal views and a high section on the coastal path where on a windy day you have to fight the wind to stay on the path. 

I was thinking of this the other day there when I read somewhere that mountain venturers took donkeys to help them to reach the summit. Each "climber," had a donkey to help him/her reach the top.

I have climbed many mountains and ran up and down as many as I have walked up. I have ventured to the summits of many entirely on my own and had some nerve tingling experiences in the process. Taking what I thought might be a shorter route and ending up in places I would rather not have been with my bottom hanging over very deep and frightening drops.

The summits of mountains never leave me anything other than pleased that I have made the effort. Not everybody feels the same way some think that it was not worth the bother. 

Those who took donkeys to help them arrive on reaching the summit left the donkeys, no longer needed, to find their own way back down.

It is very much like life. We are all on a journey and we all have a destination in mind. We might travel different paths and have differing helps to assist us on the journey. 

The donkeys of life. For some that might be a Christain Faith for other Islamic, yet others might travel the with the Zen donkey or the Taoist, possibly even the Agnostic. Like the mountain climber, there are many routes to the summit. 

Each has there own aims means and some idea of their destination. Sadly so often one pokes fun at the route of the other. Some take the high and mighty stance of believing their way is the only way and all others are wrong.

The destination is what really matters and like the climber's donkeys, the way is no longer need once we have arrived. 

The journey towards peace and happiness and a sense of fulfilment can be made in many ways. Does it really matter what route we decided to take if it leads to the destination, the summit? 

Maybe the way would be easier if we each respected the others right to make their own decisions on the route and way of travel. There may be times when we need a little help of another needs our help. All of us have a destination in mind and travel by another route, but it would be better to make the journey without feeling the need to force others to follow the same path.

I rejoice in the many friends that I have from all sorts of places and they all have their individual donkeys of life and I am grateful for the joy they give me on the journey. 

Have a wonderful day and I hope that the person who asked me to write this has found it helpful.  For all my fellow Scots Happy St Andrews Day.

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