Friday 17 November 2017

The Art of Saying Hello.


I ventured out into the big brave world of the metropolis yesterday. Once again I found it both fascinating and perplexing and was glad to return back out to the sticks where I spend normality.

Now before anybody asks me to go into detail about those two sentences let me tell you to just read it and forget it. it really does not have much meaning other than I went to town and was glad to get back to the countryside.

There was a lad on the bus in front of me with his carer. He was a lover of a tv programme and he knew the scripts word for word of every episode. His carer was a paramour of patience and good humour.  The whole journey was taken up with him reciting the script and asking for explanations about certain words and phrases within it. 

Some of the people around me made a comment I just sat back and enjoyed.

It seems to me if I am not careful I will end up a bit like him needing somebody to translate for me what is being said. 

You do not switch to a sports programme without the word physicality being used. Or some reference to musicality. The weather person warns about mistiness, rather than just the danger of mist. 

For some reason, I have been getting tweets about how to run a business. Let me share one or two with you. 

"Make a commitment and follow through average never wins."

"Two-thirds of Twitter users use the search function make yourself discoverable. "

"Content is the door for making money, passion is the key to open it."

" Customers do not think channels, they think in brands and experiences."

I still have not yet learned how to begin every sentence with, Absolutely, or the word, So.

I am not at all an expert at putting the word like three times into every sentence. 

To be honest the boy on the bus was a joy I understood what he was saying and asking.

I long for a meeting with somebody who calls a spade a spade and when they hope I have a great Winterville, they would take time to tell me what that means. or maybe it means a stable with instead of a baby a big sausage roll.  

For those who do not live in the UK one of our well-known bakery stores has a seasonal advertisement with just that. 

Let me say in simple words. Have a good day, may it be full of friends and joy. 

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