Monday 26 November 2018

Smile please.

One of the biggest laughs in my family just now comes from my wife and me applying to have our passports renewed. This can be done online on one of the many government websites.

The process involves filling out information about the passport that has to be renewed and then submitting an up to date photograph. This can be done by having one taken in one of those booths where you sit on a little adjustable stool and stare at a mirror. A rather frightening experience. 

Or, as was the case with my wife and me, it can be done using a programme like, "Photo Booth." You have to fulfil certain requirements such as not showing teeth or wearing spectacles. The background has to be white and the shape of the head seen.

Now already those who know me can see a problem. I have a head of pure white hair and a white background makes this almost disappear. So we went through the process and after many tries, my wife was happy with hers. She was far from unhappy with mine no matter how often I adjusted the light. Neither was the website it kept telling me why my photograph was not correct. 

Eventually, after many attempts, I took the option to send it anyway explaining about my white hair and the background. 

"You will get emails telling you they have not accepted it," said my wife. Yes, I got emails but only to tell me it had been approved and on its way. My wife is still awaiting a response.

I have painted my selfie and shown it above. I hope like me you are now smiling.

A smile is a wonderful way to start any day. 

One tired waitress to another: "I always start the day with a smile,  and get it over with."

The Holiday Inn, when looking for 500 people to fill positions for a new facility, interviewed 5,000 candidates. The hotel managers interviewing these people excluded all candidates who smiled fewer than four times during the interview. 

This applied to people competing for jobs in all categories, the numbers were very quickly whittled down.

It seems that the smile is rapidly going out of fashion. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

Go on start today with a smile. Have a great one.

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