Sunday 4 November 2018

If music be the fruit of life.

Nature Takes back her Own

music has played a large part in my life has played clarinet and saxophone and written music and hymns at one stage as have some of my other friends that I have made contact with again after so many years. I never claimed to be a great singer but I certainly was a loud one. I loved singing and gave it my all, and so we should. I have a very good friend who cannot hit a correct note for the life of him but I would never stop him from singing if it warms his heart. When he was a minister he, like me, sang with gusto but his church officer could frequently be seen switching off his sound system because when he sang nobody else could.

Music fills the breast with pleasure. I have a deep love for most kinds of music but I have friends who have musical tastes that do not accord with mine. We all have different tastes in music. In this lies one of my greatest bugs. One kind of music I cannot take is inflicted music.

What do I mean? I mean music that somebody else is playing loud enough for me to hear even if it is music I like and might listen to myself I prefer to choose when to. People on caravan sites who play their music so loud that all around hear it. I can hear some of my friends saying you have to give and take but being one who never plays music loud enough for others to hear I often feel I am doing all the taking and none of the giving. Just a little thought of others. if I want loud music I do through headphones.

Two very famous people said the following of music. 

J.S. Bach said, "All music should have no other end and aim than the glory of God and the soul's refreshment; where this is not remembered there is no real music but only a devilish hubbub." 

He headed his compositions: "J.J." "Jesus Juva" which means "Jesus help me." 
He ended them "S.D.G." "Soli Dei gratia" which means "To God alone the praise." 

Martin Luther said, "The devil takes flight at the sound of music, just as he does at the words of theology, and for this reason, the prophets always combined theology and music, the teaching of truth and the chanting of Psalms and hymns." 

"After theology, I give the highest place and greatest honour to music." 

I leave you to decide if you agree with this sentiment or not. 

Spike Milligan said this. "I am glad Harry ( Secombe) died before me because I would not have wanted me to sing at my funeral." 

Music has down through the centuries played such an important role. It can lift us from the dark places, it can make us consider and wonder. it has the ability to bring people together and fill rooms with such pleasure. The words of songs can make us consider the answers to the big questions of life.

There is much to rejoice in and many thanks to give to those who have chosen to write and make music to warm the hearts and minds of others.  

Of course, this means that store owners have learned that there is some music that encourages us to spend more than we might sometimes I wish they had also remembered that it can make us leave their shop or not even enter its door. 

Like all the good things in life has its time and its place. 

As I was writing this I was, of course, listening to music, Enya in this case with for me moving melodies and words but not for others so I have enjoyed it at a volume only I can hear.

Have a marvellous day. Would love to hear from those who read this what music they hold dear to them. How about sharing your most favourite track. I promise I will listen to it and you will have shared it with me without inflicting it.

Have a wonderful day may the melodies of life fill yor inner being.

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