Thursday 22 November 2018

It depends where you are.

It is amazing what a change of palette can do to an abstract painting. This one I did not change that actual formation of the painting very much at all but what I did do was went over it with a much lighter set of colours which removed the threatening atmosphere and replaced it with something more cheerful.

Is this good? Or is this bad? 

A friend had a rather amusing funny on her page the other day when she was addressing the whole thing about being good for Santa. What does it mean to be good? This kind of thing gets my head working overtime raising all sorts of questions.

If you take time to look up the word good in a dictionary there are a multitude of definitions most depending on what you are intending the word to be. It can be used as a noun and adjective and as a verb and each use brings a further number of various uses. So I will say to nobody this year that I have been a good boy. I will just have been the usual me no more and no less. I am what I am I can be no other. Good or Bad?

Here is a little tale that kind of puts all of this into some perspective.

A farmer went into his bank and announced to the manager that he had bad news and good news.

"First, the bad news. Well," said the farmer, "I cannot make my mortgage payments. That crop loan I have taken out for the past 10 years  I cannot pay that off, either. 

Not only that, I will not be able to pay you the hundred thousand I still have outstanding on my tractors and other equipment. 

So I'm going to have to give up the farm and turn it all over to you for whatever you can salvage from it."

Silence prevailed for a minute and then the manager said, "What is the good news?" 

"The good news is that I'm going to keep on banking with you," said the farmer.

It is almost like the surgeon telling his patient he has good and bad news. The bad news being he has cut off the wrong foot. The good news that another patient is going to purchase his slippers.

Have a great day and stay good.

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