Thursday 4 October 2018

Surprises and Kindness.

What a surprise to arrive home and pop onto my facebook page and find so many messages from so many people wishing me a safe journey and hoping I feel better. 

I had a safe journey arriving home in the dark after some eleven hours travelling up through England and then in Scotland to home. Not too sure about the feeling better but have managed to get an appointment with the doctor later today so we shall see.

Thank you again for all the wonderful good wishes. It is a well known and proven fact that such things are often more effective to a persons wellbeing than all the medications that can be had from the doctor. Such a feeling of kindness is proven to increase Serotonin in the brain giving tremendous health benefits making us feel better. That little phone call from my very good friend to make sure I was home was worth as much as a good few doses. 

My father never knew this scientific information and yet he lived on a rule of life that he would do at least one act of kindness every day. Such acts he always told me not only made me feel better but it also had the knock-on effect of making others feel better also. So the rule is kept going in my life and sure enough, I am surrounded by kindness.  I read that the way anti-depressants work is by releasing Serotonin into the bloodstream, move over Pfitzer, kindness is taking over. 

We all have moments and days in life that can only be described as, "Crapatastic."  Sorry, I do not like made up words but I wanted to make what I was thinking a bit less is a fact that crap happens it is almost inevitable. Forest Gump knew this to be the case but he also seemed to know how to deal with it. it is very difficult to come up with creative solutions when the manure is making its way towards the fan of life.

So my father was indeed a very wise man he had strategies for coping and kindness was the motivating word. 

This little blog is just a way of saying thank you and bringing so much kindness into my life. 

I hope I can in my own way bring some into your lives. 

Have a good day. 

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