Thursday 18 October 2018

Some people need to stop and think.

There are some people in society who have a marvellous art of making waves, I have been known to stir up a few myself in my life. This can be a good thing if the making of a wave makes another person or group think and it brings about some good.

Sadly there are people who stir up waves just for the heck of it and in a rude and destructive way.  In my life, I have met a good too many of those and have been hurt deeply by their actions or words. Fortunately, as I get older I have learned to not allow such people to get under my skin and have developed strategies to deal with them. The other day there I called them the toxic people of the world and thought I had said all I should on that matter but then I read my timeline this morning and saw something that I had to read about twenty times just to make sure I was not reading it wrong.

Let me quote this person exactly with not a single change made to the statement. Let me say that this was also tweeted to a disabled person who was kindness in itself the way she responded. 

He tweeted. 

"Disabled parking should only be valid during business hours 9 to 5 Monday to Friday. I cannot see any reason why people with genuine disabilities would be out beyond these times. "

Why might they? Simply because they want to participate in life like everybody else in society. They wish to attend the cinema or a concert or meet with friends. They might even wish to attend a community meeting where they play a vital role.

They might, in fact, have been called out to work in the theatre of the hospital where they play a lead role because there has been some disaster or possibly even an accident where a certain short-sighted narrow-minded idiot needed surgery to save his life.

My first reaction to reading this was a natural reaction of anger. I now feel extremely sorry for such a person. I will not allow my anger to boil over and say something horrible and put myself on a par with this person.

What I will do, and only do is tell this person how sad and sorry I am that he has such opinions and that it is my hope that he never ends up requiring to own or use the Blue Badge service. I do not know very many people who would rather not have to have such a thing, they would rather be out there, pain-free light of foot and full of vigour.

I would also on behalf of the many friends I have remind him and others like him that not all disability is of the nature where it is visible.

I have never in all my time on here ever felt tempted to name a person but I was very close in this case.

I will not and I will leave it at this. I remember the words of the ancient sage who when he discovered a thief among his followers refused to send him away saying that this person needed help more than all of his other students. This person has much to learn and I hope with all my heart he does and does so soon for himself and all of us. 

To all my friends forgive my rant but hope that this person sees it or it is pointed out to him.

Have a wonderful day.

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