Saturday 20 October 2018

The last shall be first.

I attended a quiz night last night something I have not done in years. I decided many years ago, like my very good friend also did, that quiz nights were not our scene.  If you are not interested in celebrities, and I most certainly am not, and if you do not watch soaps and reality television, which again I do not, then normally quiz nights are not for you. So we gave up on them years ago.

This one was more about the garden awards for the village. Those who had spent their time making their front gardens look beautiful, those who had the best hanging basket, they were awarded a trophy. There were prizes for the youngest and so it went on. It was marvellous to feel the spirit of the village and the pleasure that all the work was done to make it look good brought.

I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get going again to try and keep hold of that gold award. 

The quiz? Yes, it was very different from any quiz I had ever attended and it was not easy but there was a real sense of togetherness and that is what counted.  

I learned another great lesson last night. I have always been the kind of person who when I take on a task I get in there and do it. I fly on the seat of my pants and learn as I go along. So far in life, this has worked for me. Last night I met a number of people who over the years had been there and done and they had valuable advice which I will pay heed to. Then I will bash in and get the job done. 

There is a lovely tale that says this better than I ever could. I hope I have not told it before but if I have it is worth another hearing. 

A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. 

The manager picks it up and gives it a rub, a Genie comes out. 

The Genie says, “I’ll give each of you just one wish” 

“Me first! Me first!” says the manager, after all, it was me who thought to rub it. I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.” 

Poof! She’s gone. 

“Me next! Me next!” says the sales rep. “I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.” 

Poof! He’s gone. 

“So it is your turn now,” the Genie says to the manager. 

The manager stops thinks and contemplates then he  says, “I want those two back in the office after lunch.”

There are sometimes in life when it pays to let others go before you. To take account of their years of experience and learn before you leap.

Have a marvellous day.

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