Thursday 11 October 2018

Night Ends.

This painting was inspired by the ending of the film Lord of the Rings. This was one of my favourite reads having read it many times. My daughter has also read this more than once and I remember her reading it at a very early age.

This is the part of the story where Bilbo says his last farewells to Frodo. We are left knowing that is sailing off to meet with the last great journey of life. yet there is a sense that everything will be well.

I have had such times in my life where I have realised it is time to move on. After many years as a minister of religion, there came a time when I was aware that this part of my life had to come to an end if I was to continue being honest to myself. it was a time when many tried to make me reconsider my decision but I just knew it had to be made.

It was a difficult and dark time because it meant turmoil in my family and there is never an easy time to do this. We became homeless and I had no occupation. From being very much a part of the community I was now on my own with decisions to be made. 

The rest of the story is history. I became a teacher and life moved on. Now I am living in a village where I am playing my role and am very much involved in the daily life of the community.

Life moves ever onward. 

Sometimes life closes doors because it’s time to move forward.  And that’s a good thing because we often won’t move unless circumstances force us to.  
When times are tough, remind yourself that no pain comes without a purpose.  Move on from what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.  Just because you're struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing.  Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there.  Good things take time.  
Stay patient and stay positive.  Everything is going to come together; maybe not immediately, but eventually.
Remember that there are two kinds of pain: pain that hurts and pain that changes you.  When you roll with life, instead of resisting it, both kinds help you grow.
Every time it rains, it stops raining.  
Every time you get hurt, you heal.  
After darkness there is always light you are reminded of this every morning, but still, you often forget, and instead choose to believe that the night will last forever.  
It will not.  Nothing lasts forever.
So if things are good right now, enjoy it.  It will not last forever.  
If things are bad, do not worry because it will not last forever either.  Just because life is not easy at the moment, does not mean you cannot laugh.  Just because something is bothering you, does not mean you cannot smile.  
Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending.  You get a second chance, every second.  You just have to take it and make the best of it.

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