Thursday 20 September 2018

What I learned from Winnie.

Some of my friends know that one of my passions over many years has been Winnie the Pooh and friends, Not just the book but the many lessons I have been able to glean from them. At least one of my friends will remember many years ago my preaching a series of sermons based on them. I still remember fondly the last Sunday and the Winnie the  Pooh soft toys that appeared on the communion table. Those are the little things that make for memories and smiles.
So forgive me for returning to my little friends and the theme of friendship once more.
“As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen.”
There are some people in life we just know are going to add an extra sparkle to our days. They turn everyday moments into adventures. They help us see things that we might have so easily have missed.  I hope that I am such a person that a walk with me is just a bit more than a walk. That I can bring a little something more. Every day can be an adventure if you wish it so to be.
“A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.”
I do enjoy my moments on my own and do not feel at all deprived if I have to go walking on my own but if a day comes to an end and I have not shared my day with at least one other I feel that is a day not fully lived. Life is so much more fun when it is shared, even if it is only a hello from a friend.
“A little thought, a little consideration for others, makes all the difference.”
I as often return to E.yeore. He so often has a very difficult time finding happiness. he also has a terrible time finding his tail. If it was not for the fact that he lived in  Hundred Acre Woods and was surrounded by all those friends he has life would most surely be miserable for him. It is wonderful what having a friend can bring to what can be a miserable day.
“A friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the best things you can be.” 
Winnie the Pooh was never more aware of the existence of a pot of honey than when there was somebody else in the close vicinity of it. It was always a very difficult thing to consider sharing a pot with another. Winnie did learn though that having friends did add to his life and that the way to have friends often meant making little sacrifices.
 “We’ll be friends forever, won’t we, Pooh?” asked Piglet.
“Even longer,” Pooh answered.
Friends come and friends go circumstances often mean that try as we may we lose touch with friends unless we make a very special effort not to do so. In this day and age, it is so much easier now than it ever was in the past. Even more than this it is possible to connect with friends that one way or another had slipped through the net of friendship. It is also so much easier to connect and make new friends much easier. How grateful I am for both of those. My life has indeed been enhanced by the friends around me.
“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever.”
Even if your friends can’t be together physically, they can stay in your heart. This powerful lesson from Winnie the Pooh is a great one when friends move away. 
“Once in a while, someone amazing comes along…and here I am.”
Tigger has a lot to offer when it comes to confidence. He brings exuberance and a whole lot of bounce to his friendships. Some people are not the easiest to be friends with but so often those that were difficult at the start become really deep and lasting friendships.
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
This saying from Pooh is one of my favourite sayings. When staying on caravan sites we meet many people and for a time we become friends. The time to part always comes, there are some that it is much more difficult to say farewell to than others. But This little saying of Poohs says it better than any I have coined myself.
I am so glad that I have many friends that I find it difficult to say goodbye to. 
Have a wonderful day.

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