Saturday 15 September 2018

A Hard Trauchle.

There are some things in life that come easily and everything goes exactly to plan and how we thought it would.
There are other times when it is all a very hard trauchle. Now for those who are not from the little beautiful country called Scotland, this means that life has not always gone as it was planned and something fairly simple turns into something much more difficult.
Yesterday I packed up to journey to my next destination, a place that I so enjoy visiting. A little miniature Venice in the heart of France. It has little canals with punts ferrying people around the place. 
Not far from where we are there are some beautiful walks where you can walk for miles and there will never be a car in sight.
So as I started off yesterday I thought there would be no problem whatsoever. However, as I got nearer and nearer to my destination and my confidence grew I hit a snag. Roadworks and the message, "Route Baree."  A detour, now they are usually nothing if you know the route you wish to travel but if you only know the one route you have a problem.
But I have arrived and the sun is shining and all is well.
Once upon a time in the rainiest part of the rainy season, an old monastic began her pilgrimage to the holiest shrine on the holiest mountain in the land. 
Forced back by fierce winds and driving rain, she stopped at the foot of the incline to check directions one last time. She was determined that she would make this pilgrimage.
“Old woman,” the inn master scoffed, “this mountain is deep in wet and running clay. You cannot possibly climb this mountain now.” 
“Oh, sir,” the old monastic said, “the climb to this shrine will be no problem whatsoever. You see, my heart has been there all my life. Now it is simply a matter of taking my body there, as well.”
There is some summit toward which every life is bent. There is something we all want to achieve. There is something we wish to accomplish. Life is full of little, and large aims and desires and targets.
All we really need is to find the inner will it will take to complete the journey. Then stop for a moment and sense the sheer joy of having accomplished.
Look inward to find the dream look outward to make it happen.
Hae a wonderful day.

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