Wednesday 12 September 2018

On the wings of an eagle.

I had a marvellous experience yesterday after a long drive. I got settled on site and thought about a little exploration of a part of France I had not yet experienced. Thought I would walk into the country but was advised it was very hilly and a difficult cycle and impossible walk. I caught the bus.

Tomorrow I either walk or cycle neither hilly and not too far some people need to go and visit Scotland..

That said I saw a lovely part of an old city and heard the sound of bagpipes. I followed the sound to find some French pipe played who on discovering I was from Ecosse played a Scottish tune or their bagpipes what a joy.

As I sat listening I saw a flag waving in the breeze even though it was 34 degrees. I sat listening to the music and watched the flag. I remembered the old Zen state.

A wandering monk passed by the courtyard of a monastery where he heard two groups of monks arguing about the temple flag fluttering in the breeze.

“It is the flag that moves,” one group argued.

“No, it is the wind that moves,” argued the other group.

Back and forth they argued, responding to the logic of the other side, coming up with a new rationale for their respective positions. But it just came down to, “It is the wind that moves, it is the flag that moves.”

After listening for a while, the itinerant monk interrupted them and said,

“If you look more closely you will see that it is neither the flag nor the wind that moves — what moves is your mind.”

I remembered one of my favourite images. If I could fly and soar off the wings of an eagle.

We come back to the same idea. As the eagle soars wings far outstretched is it he or the wind that moves?

How easily we fall into “either-or” thinking. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, we are fully capable of taking sides and then feeling the need to prove ourselves “right.” 
As I sat there listening to the music I realised it matter not who is right or wrong.

If we live our lives with the desire to be a help to those around us.
Oh to soar on the wings of an eagle and see the world as not a battle but a joy.
Have a marvellous day.

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