Saturday 29 September 2018

Go for it.

The River at Airvault

I wrote yesterday about seeing things from a different perspective, that in every situation there is always a positive way to look at something and a negative way. The choice is always, not just often, always in our hands. This is so because it is us that has to make the choices. 

Having looked at my little wall as a crumbling ruin I also saw it as a glorious amalgamation of shapes and colours. So it did not meet with everybody's approval but it did meet with mine bringing colour into what has been a pretty bleak week. Of course, nobody will ever hang it on their wall but that will not really matter will it? No, it has already achieved what I set out to achieve, that was to brighten my miserable day. 

I will never forget the day my grandmother and I held a conversation that keeps coming back to me. 

I was worried about taking a chance. The opportunity to go study was there, it meant giving up a very secure occupation.  My worry was regretting my choice. My grandmother hugged me and said, “Trust me, Ralph, that is not what you’re going to regret when you’re my age.  If anything, you will likely kick yourself a little for not taking more chances on the infinite number of opportunities you have today.”

The fact is this, no matter what age we are or where we have arrived in life there will always be decisions to be made and regrets about the choices we make unless of course we never make any choices and just do nothing.

Another conversation I had is one I will equally never forget. it was a conversation I had with my dad about living and growing through adversity.  

One of the last things he said resonated with me so much, I wrote it down sometime later to the very best of my recollection. 

“It’s been my experience that most people are never truly happy until they’ve had many reasons to be sad.  I believe this is because it takes all of those bad days and hardships to teach us how to truly appreciate what we have.  It builds our resilience.”

Not exactly the same as seeing things differently much more a case of seeing things as they are. 

Keeping these blogs short and to the point sitting leaning over a laptop is not really what I should be doing at all I suspect. 

Hae a great day do not waste precious moments wondering just do it as I am sure I have heard somewhere before.

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