Saturday 22 September 2018

Not Winnie Again Part 2

I am aware that this is the fourth blog about my thoughts and lessons learned from Winnie the Pooh, this is the second part of yesterdays and I will then leave Winnie at peace for a while.

There is nothing in life more annoying than speaking to somebody when you are aware that they are just not listening. What does my friend Winnie have to say about such matters? "If the person you are talking to does not appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear. It is a fact that we never know what another person is going through, so if they are not paying attention or listening, or if they are acting as if they do not agree with you, be patient. Who knows, maybe like Pooh and Tigger that very person who seems to be treating you badly may, in the long run, turn out to be a good friend to you. Always give another person the opportunity.

As the great sage Lao Tzu says, "There is no hurry a river knows this, it will get where it is going some time or someday." We are so often in a great hurry, rushing this way and that in the end not getting through all that you hoped to achieve. Sometimes it is wise to stop and think before hurrying about. Is there really a need to rush?

Why do we spend so much time and energy and often money trying to meet the expectations of others in how we look and appear.  Pooh said, "I am short, fat, and proud to be just that." No one ever seemed to say anything mean or nasty about Pooh, even though he was stuffed with a little more fluff than all the other animals.

"Today I believe is a good day for being Pooh."  It does not really matter what happened yesterday and it does not really matter what might happen tomorrow. Today has opened up for you to celebrate and enjoy it. "Remeber there is no excuse too small for a parade in Hundred Acre Wood."

Just as I near the end I have remembered another little message that came from Winnie. "Love is taking a few steps backwards, maybe even more, to give way to the happiness of the one you love," I remember on many occasions changing the words of the wedding vows to make them more suitable for the persons I was conducting a wedding service for. I think Winnie could have written the vows for any couple. For that matter, Piglet might have too because it was he who said, "Love is not something you spell, love is something you feel.

My very last thought and lesson coming from Pooh for today comes in another quotation.

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh!" he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?"  "Nothing,"  said Piglet taking hold of Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."

Never take another person, especially those you love for granted because you never know when they might be gone and not be there any longer.

Have a great day.  And goodbye for now from my friend Pooh and all his pals.

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