Sunday 16 September 2018

To catch a little fish.

This is probably one of the most photographed cottages I have ever seen. hardly anybody walks along this canal without stopping to take a photograph of it. For sale in the village are all sorts of things to purchase as keepsakes or as gifts. 

I have like most taken photographs always promising to try and paint. I never have until this one. I am not at all sure that it meets the perfections of the many on sale items on sale. It is my attempt. I got caught in the trap of many artists I tried to paint almost every leave on the trees and plants being aware of how well known the cottage was.

On the opposite side of the canal, there are always many people sitting with fishing rods trying like me to capture something important. 

Last night I walked past two fishermen who it seemed had been there all day with little success. Today they were still there when I passed early in the morning and still there as I passed after my second walk of the day. They had both put in a very long shift with what seemed very little to show for the effort.

There were two fishermen who were the very best of friends. Most weekends they would head off to go fishing together. On this particular Saturday, they had decided to drive to a favourite loch that they enjoyed fishing. They went prepared not only to catch fish but also to share a meal of fresh fish together in the evening. 

They arrived at the loch and got their gear out and ready. Picking their spot they began to fish. 

The first fisherman cast his line and was delighted to very quickly make a catch. he put it into an ice box to keep it fresh. Soon he had managed to catch a few more of varying sizes. he was looking forward to his meal that evening with his friend.

Feeling he had had some success at his fishing he put his rod aside and went to visit his friend.

His friend seemed to have made no catches at all. He offered to give his friend help. Just then the friend caught a beautiful large fish, the kind fishermen boast of, but he took it off the hook and threw it back in the loch.

Surprised by this he said to his friend, "What are you doing throwing back such a big beautiful fresh fish?" The friend responded, "It is far too large for the pan that I have brought to cook it in."

The friend then said he was trying to catch fish that would fit into his pan.

His friend in sheer exasperation said, " Why do you not cut the fish into sizes that can fit you pan."

How often in my life have I been just like that second fisherman. I have had before me opportunities and chances possibly even a wonderful chance to find grat happiness and I have given up the chance because it seemd to big for me to grasp, too big for my pan.

Many wonderfull opportunities have slipped through my fingers bacause I either did not have the courage  or I was too afraid to chase what it was I saw before me.

Such is life. But I can rejoice that unlike the fishermen I do not hold my arms wide open and say I caught one this size today.

Have a great day and keep your eyes open wide for opportunities.

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