Friday 21 September 2018

Not Winnie Again.

"As the two friends wandered through the snow on their way home, Piglet grinned to himself, thinking how lucky he was to have a best friend like Pooh."

Yes, I am sorry, three days in a row and I am still with my good friend Winnie the Pooh. I am so glad so many like me enjoy him and yes he has been a source of inspiration to me for years, as I have said before.

So here we have Pooh and Piglet walking together and again reminding us of what it is to have a true friend. A true friend is there for us in even the most blustery of conditions, they walk beside you no matter what life is like or how low you are. 

It was Pooh who said, "If you live to be one hundred, I hope to live to be one hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you."

Now does that not say it all? Doe this not get to the very heart of what love and friendship are all about. It is an honest feeling, it comes straight from the mouth of a stuffed bear to his little friend Piglet. How would you feel if somebody thought of you this way or said this to you? I am sure you would be greatly moved.

On the same walk, Winnie was obviously feeling his heartstrings being tugged because he went on to say, "If there is ever a tomorrow that we are not together, there is one thing you should always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is this, even if we are apart, I will always be with you in my heart."

Yes, I am a romantic and yes as I write these words I do have a little lump in my throat as I think of all those friends I feel like this about and those who have said something similar to me. I am blessed with friends and they know who they are who tell me often to remember what and who I am and what I can do and to remember it is much more than I often think. Stop being so hard on yourself they say. Those are the encouragers we all need in life and rejoice that we have them in our lives.

Those are the friends who often cannot be there to hold your hand but you know beyond a shadow of a doubt there are always there in spirit and love cheering you one.

Let me finish for today, but not for this little mini-series, by returning to my friend Eeyore. Let us be up front and honest Eeyore is clinically depressed still manages to point us towards the silver lining in the most awful of situations.

Yes his house is constantly falling down and his tail frequently gets lost, but still, he has friends who in spite of all of this still invite him to all their gatherings and parties. They still always have a friendly, "hello."  Even more than this, when his tail goes missing they are always there ready to organise a search party because that is what friends do. Like all good and true friends, they do not antagonise him or make him feel that he is out of place and not wanted.

Maybe because of this Eeyore is one of those people who can see that the glass is not always half empty. In fact, it is always half full. This is what true friends to help those even at their very lowest.

So for now, but not as yet the end, let me finish with the kind of positive way that friends have made Eeyor see life.

"It is snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily. 

"So it is." 

"And freezing." 

"Is it?"

"Yes," said Eeyore.

"However," he said, brightening up a little, "we have not had an earthquake yet."

To all my friend's back in Scotland and those who in the USA who have just had a similar situation think like Eeyore.  

have a great day.

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