Tuesday 16 January 2018

Let Tomorrow Look After Itself.

A very good friend asked me yesterday, "What do you think this year of your life might bring for you?"

I looked at him and smiled and gave a very honest reply, "I wonder what I might do for the rest of this day?"

I have been doing a lot of personal study over the past few months and finding it very exciting. it has taken years from my attitude to life. I once again feel like a student back at university as I make the quest to fully understand the eighty-one chapters of the ancient book, Tao Te Ching. One of the worlds biggest selling book if you add together all the various and many translations of these eighty-one chapters.

The book was written by the ancient sage Lao Tzu. Written some 2600 years before the common era, better known to some as BC.

Not being able to read Chinese the language of the book I have gathered as many translations as I can and have studied those in a desire to possibly find some kind of understanding that speaks to myself in this present age. 

I have learned a great deal from this time-consuming study that has contributed to a sense of calmness and meaning. But of all the things I have found intriguing, I think the most important is to try and learn to go with the flow of life rather than have to consider and plan everything I will do.

To worry less about the future. 

Think about some of the things said about the future over the years.

"We don't think the Beatles will do anything in their market. Guitar groups are on their way out."

Speaking about the future of that which now plays an important and often controlling factor in some lives somebody said. "Theoretically, television may be feasible, but I consider it an impossibility, a development which we should waste little time dreaming about."

The chairman of the board of IBM said, "I think there is a world market for about five computers."

Fortunately for them most of those who said these things did not live to face the reality of their future predictions.

There are of course limitations to how far it is possible to go with the flow of life. It is not possible to just decide you are unwell and turn up at the hospital expecting to be treated instantly, well not for most of us there are those who do.

If we feel like going to be present and listen to a live orchestral concert we cannot just turn up at the venue whenever we wish and hope to have a concert beginning just when we wish. The very nature of modern life determines that we cannot just do that.

But what we can do is not fret over tomorrow, or even worse put ourselves in a great state of worry about tomorrow to the extent that we kill all joy or peace today. But I most certainly have found that a less stressful view of the future has brought an added dimension to my life. 

But let me end on a rather lighter note.

A fortuneteller, gazing into a crystal ball,  said to the frog waiting for a prophecy, "You are going to meet a beautiful young woman. From the moment she sets eyes on you she will have an insatiable desire to know all about you. 

She will be compelled to get close to you will fascinate her." 

The frog captivated by what sounded like a wonderful future asked, "Where will I be? Will I be at a singles club?" 

The fortuneteller rather sad-eyed replied,  "No, you will be in the Biology class."

Have a wonderful day and life it to the full. have a day filled with happenings you never dreamt of. Do not fret about the morrow, "Let Tomorrow take Care of Itself."

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