Sunday 7 January 2018

A word in you ear.

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In the last few weeks, I have been in a reflective mood. This has had very little if anything to do with the New Year, it has been more to do with a feeling of wellbeing. I have had a period where I have been creative in ways I have never before been so. 

Of course, reflection brings many memories, not always good but thankfully those also. My friend was reminding me of the years I had problems with my skin to the extent that going out in daylight meant extreme irritation and pain. The only way it was possible was to wear a heaving coating of a mixture of creams that kept the light from my skin. Fortunately for some reason that only lasted for a few years and left me as fast as it had appeared. 

I also remember when my voice became hoarse and sore. Three operations later it was no better, in fact, I was left unable to speak at all. Unable to speak for months I was told the week before Christmas that I might never regain the use of my voice. What good to anybody is a preacher who cannot speak? Again, fortunately, I have managed to teach myself to speak, even though I now have a gruff voice, that frequently sounds angry even though I am not in the least so.

Every one of life's events bad or good has a silver lining of learning.  Having no voice certainly teaches appreciation of the gift of speech. But a further lesson has to be built on to this. let me explain.

Four preachers met for a friendly gathering. 

During the conversation, one preacher said, "Our people come to us and pour out their hearts, confess certain sins and needs. 

Let's do the same. Confession is good for the soul." In due time all agreed. 

One confessed he liked to go to movies and would sneak off when away from his church. The second confessed to liking to smoke cigars and the third one confessed to liking to play cards. 

When it came to the fourth one, he wouldn't confess. The others pressed him saying, "Come now, we confessed ours. What is your secret or vice?" 

Finally, he answered, "It is gossiping and I can hardly wait to get out of here."

I have spoken before of my father who constantly told me, "You have one mouth and two ears. You should learn to use them proportionately."

How I wish he had also said that the mouth should only be used after consideration of what is to be said. I have often been unwise and guilty of shooting off the mouth before engaging the brain.

When injustice is seen this could be what is required, but such action can bring hurt to others if used too often.

A good speaker makes no slips. he is one with everything he is saying because everything he says comes from the heart. He is sparing with his words and does not speak in order to hear his own voice or simply attract attention to himself.

Words once spoken are impossible to take back and like a pebble cast in a pool ripples forth multiplying in strength with each utterance or hearing.

This can be wonderful if the words are those of encouragement or love, words that carry wisdom and learning. If they are the words of hurt and lies they carry with them untold and measured negatives.

Have today a wonderful day rejoice in the good things and speak of them to others. If you hear gossip let it stop with you.

We should all use the THINK process before talking about others. T is it true?  H is it helpful? I is it inspiring?  N is it necessary? K is it kind?

A joyful day to you one and all.

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