Sunday 14 January 2018

Just another day.

I put this painting on today for a simple if slightly selfish reason. Today is my birthday and so I thought I would put on a painting that does hold a special meaning for me. It was painted using only fingers and a limited palette of colour and I was happy with the finished work. I also think the owner of this painting still likes it.

It being the day that it is, I also thought that I would keep this blog light-hearted and on the theme of birthdays.

I was thinking about my birthday the other day there only because my daughter in law was trying to talk me into making it a special day. She was wanting to make a birthday cake and all sorts of other ideas came my way. I thanked her from the bottom of my heart and reminded her of the weight loss I had struggled to make and reminded her that I did not want to find an excuse to put it all back on again.

She suggested that I had a special day and invited all my old friends to visit for the day. "Would that not be exciting ?" she said. I told her I would love that but I did not want to end up in prison. She looked at me with a worried expression. She wanted to know how that would end me up in prison.

I told her, "It would indeed be nice to have all my old buddies and pals but you do know that grave robbing is a criminal offence?"

My wife asked me what I would like for my birthday. I thought for a bit and told her I would like something with diamonds. I guess I am going to have to learn some new card games because I saw her slip a pack of cards in with the shopping. 

I suppose that is what I deserve. I asked her the same question last year. She told me she wanted to be ten again. On the morning of her birthday I got up bright and sharp and we headed off to the theme park. I paid for her to go on every single ride. At the end, she staggered out of the park her head reeling and her stomach churning.

So off to the theatre where we had popcorn sweets and cola. When she got home it was a case of straight to bed. I whispered to her, "How did it feel to be ten again?"

One eye opened and she said, "I meant dress size, you idiot."

A little boy on his birthday asked his mother where he came from, and also where she had come from at her birthday? 

His mother gave him a tall tale about a beautiful white-feathered bird. 

The boy asked his grandmother the same question and received a variation on the bird story. 

Outside with his pals, he was heard to say, "You know, there hasn't been a normal birth in our family for three generations." 

Have a great day my friends, I know that I most surely will. My family are visiting me and I like nothing in life better than my family around me. 

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