Tuesday 5 February 2019

Become a butterfly.

Before I came to my study this morningI heard the early morning news. It was with a very genuine sense of sadness that I learned that a recent survey had discovered that a large percentage of young people are feeling that life is no longer worth living. That one in four members of the younger generation will suffer from such feeling in their life and more and more of them will end their lives prematurely.

This is indeed a very worrying sastistic. Having lived as long as I have with periods of highs and lows, being able to be creative and at other times being so down I could hardly be bothered to think of anything, it is worrying that so many are considering giving up on themselves at such a young age. 

How I wish I could share with them the greatest lesson I have learned in the course of my many years. "This too shall pass." Four small words but four powerful words packed with hope and promise. Nothing lasts forever.

I hear a little voice saying that it is not and cannot be this simple. That is of course true.

There are somthings in life that we have to learn to accept and make the best of it but the important word there is make. 

 “If you want to become a butterfly. First you have to stop wanting to be a caterpillar. You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.

You have to want to get rid of the old you and find the new you. 

Once you become the butterfly you can soar and fly. As long as you want to hold on to the caterpillar you better just get used to all the ground hugging and crawling it entails.

So those two things together, an awareness that  nothing lasts for ever but that we can begin to work towards making things change. 

I wish I was back there in the classroom alongside those young people again. I might wish to tell them that searching the internet to find people suffering the same low selfesteem thinking might not be the best place to beging. Rather begin with the inner you and and then associate with positive thoughts and positive people.

Positive be positive. This too shall pass. 

As the sage says, open your mind to life , trust in yourself and then everything else will fall into place.

I hope this does not sound like a load of platitudes. It has worked for me if you know a young person who is feeling down be with them because it seems left alone they will look in the wrong places. 

Have a great day I am off to have a CT Scan  for my ankle hoping I can soon again become a butterfly. 

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