Friday 9 February 2018

Why can I not be like her?

They seek them here they seek them there those little birds appear just everywhere. 

I have spent a great deal of my life trying to bring comfort to others in distress or grief because there is nothing worse in life than not to be able to relax because something is eating at your peace. 

The other thing I have spent much time doing is to improve my own life by finding just how to feel that my life has some value and worth. That I have not wasted my years. I did not make a great start and so it has been important to me to find this sense of wellbeing. I suppose it would be better to say I have striven to give and to find contentment. To dispel discontent. 

There are so many things in life that can bring discontent and despondency. 

A man became envious of his friends because they had larger and more luxurious homes. So he listed his house with a real estate firm, planning to sell it and to purchase a more impressive home. 

Shortly afterwards, as he was reading the classified section of the newspaper, he saw an advert for a house that seemed just right. He promptly called the company and said, "A house described in today's paper is exactly what I'm looking for. 

I would like to go through it as soon as possible!" The agent asked him several questions about it and then replied, "But sir, that's your house you're describing."

How easy it is to see what others have and want to have the same and yet so often we ourselves are more blessed than we realise. 

Leaning on his fence one day, a man was watching a new neighbour move in next door. As he watched all kinds of modern appliances, electronic gadgets, plush furniture, and costly wall hangings being carried in, he called over, "If you find you're lacking anything, neighbour, let me know and I'll show you how to live without it."

There is a tale told by the sage of a man who was determined to live a contented life. He decided to abandon the conformity of modern society and life a simpler lifestyle. He rid himself of many of the possessions that cluttered his life. Every now and then he would return to the town he had departed and wandered through the markets and stalls.

When he met those who remembered him and his decision to leave they asked why he spent his time wandering and looking yet never purchasing anything? He said that his heart rejoiced at the sight of all the things he did not need. 

modern society is flooded with goods and gadgets that the advertisers tell us are just the things we need to bring us the happiness we seek.A typical supermarket of 1970 stocked about 9,000 articles today the same supermarket will stock 30,000.

How many of them are absolutely necessary and how many are superfluous? Creating a need and an unrest.

  There is an old saying, I was upset and full of complaints that I had not the best of shoes until I saw a man who had no feet. 

There is nothing at all wrong with not being content with what we are but we should not mistake that for not being content with what we have.

Or to put it in a simpler way, "Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor."  

Have a happy and contented day and spread the seeds of contentment and not those of despondency.

Have a good day my friends. 

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