Monday 7 May 2018

There is clever and there is wise.

I have always been fortunate in having understanding and caring friends. Being a bit of a loner and often seen as n oddball these friends came in a number of guises. My family used to tease me about these friends. Many of them had very high intellects but most of them lacked the ability to put this intellect o to practical use. "All brains and no common sense."

Strange friendships for one whose mother was told to not consider an extra year at school because it would just be a waste of time. It would be better Mrs Taylor for your son to leave school and get a job, he would then be making a contribution to the family. So I left school and started working as a butcher the next day.

Still, I had friends who seemed to be destained for higher and better things. It is all history now, I went on to go to university and ended up writing examinations papers for the very school I had been asked to leave, and all the other schools in Scotland. 

Why am I telling you this? I want to share a lovely little tale with an important message.

There were four friends, three who were particularly brilliant. The fourth was not so intellectually smart but was always very practical. They had the brains he had the sense.

One day they came across the skeleton of a lion.  "Let us bring this animal back to life," proposed the first.

"Yes, this will bring us great fame," said the second.

The one with sense said, "If we bring this lion back to life it might attack us."

"Do not interrupt," said the first. He had already used his superior knowledge to put flesh on the bones. The second introduced blood and the third was ready to breathe life into the lion.

"We should think safety, " said the one with sense.

"Quiet," said the third already in the depth os labour.

" Well, I shall just go and sit up in the branch on that tree. Just in case."

The lion was brought back to life and killed the three wise men. The only survivor was the one with common sense. 

What does it profit a person to have all the intellect possible if they do not know how to put it to use?

Have a wonderful day. I must go and do what my intellect did not tell me to do yesterday, find sun cream.

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