Thursday 4 April 2019

My biggest loss?

I had an interesting time yesterday sitting in the waiting area of the local hospital. I had with me my IPad, of course, I did, so I sat quietly and did a little painting of East Wymes a little fishing village along the coastal path not too far from where I live.

Once that was done, I wondered what now? I looked in my bag and discovered I had a copy of my Tao Te Ching an Interpretive Translation with me. I opened it in a very random way and read chapter 44.  I read my own interpretation of what was said.

Here are three questions. Fame or self, which is the most important? Self or wealth, which is most precious? Gain or Loss, what would cause you most pain?

I thought I would just sit quietly and consider these three lines of thought. The lady sitting very close to me began calling around her friends and family telling each of them, in turn, the same story. I began to hope that she did not have very many more to call because I could now recite it almost word for word.

I looked around the waiting area and almost every single person had a cell phone in their hands. I thought again of my three questions and the third one. Gain or Loss. Maybe I should have translated that verse to friends or cell phone which would you give up first.

A young couple who had entered the waiting area together holding hands were now each sitting texting on their phones. I wonder if they will have a bride and groom on top of their cake with the couple texting their friends, “I have just got married can you believe it?”

Three young children and I mean young, were sitting with their Gran who was in a wheelchair. I imagined them asking her, “Gran what was it like before phones?”

“ Well it did not matter where we were, in the park or on a bust or going to school we talked to each other about our plans. We put time and energy into our friendships. We let our minds wander and our imaginations were set free. The gran looked down all three youngsters were now sitting on the floor each playing a different game on a phone.

I saw another couple the female sitting engrossed in her phone the man seemed bored out of his mind. I imagined him saying to her, “Do you mind if I strap your phone to my forehead so that I can imagine you are looking at me as you talk to your friends?”

Friends or cell phone what loss would cause the biggest pain.? Seems that is a no brainer.

Have a wonderful day. I am thinking of starting a no cell phone day.

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