Monday 30 April 2018

In Search of Solace.

I have painted this little person again. No distractions this time of little birds just the thought of what this person is doing. I painted it in a larger format and made some other changes as I wondered the answer to my question. What is this person doing, and where is he/she going?

I had a very busy day yesterday many things to do and today looks like an equally busy day ahead.  One of the things I did was play a round of golf with my son. We decided to be a little bit competitive but in a friendly way.  As we headed ever closer to home he was still that one hole in the lead. 
He was one hole up at the turn and feeling good, playing good golf. 

It was then he made the biggest mistake he has for a while. He said to me, "If I win this it will be on your facebook page tomorrow. I went on the win the last four holes and the game. I am sure he learned a little lesson.

So back to my little person. 

We live in disturbing times and days. Trouble is all around us and war and the threat of war seems everywhere. We seem to be returning to an age of isolation taking back control and being Great again. I find it all very disturbing.

But there are still places and times when in the midst of it all we can find some peace and tranquillity.

We need to rest from the trials and tribulations. We need to stop the striving of being in the world and take advantage of what is on offer in nature.

Last night it was the peaceful sunset when the sun of the day became reconciled with the horizon and there was a sense of peace in the air. At other times it may be that little secret place or that chance encounter with a little copse of trees and the promise of a moment of comfort. 

Such moments of stillness can become so precious, the voice of the rushing stream we were to busy to notice before. It is possible to be so tired and worn out that we forget that each of us needs time to recharge.

Renewal is a profound tonic it gives us the strength to return to the day and be prepared to travel the onward path.

Maybe my little person is on the way to such a place or returning from such.  The little drops of rain bringing a refreshing sense of moment.

Have a marvellous day. 

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