Saturday 24 March 2018

Just a snob.

It was suggested to me just a few days ago that I might be a bit of a snob. At first, I was perplexed and wondered where that thought had come from. Having thought a bit more about it I remembered when a very similar accusation was made about me in the past. 

When I decided with encouragement from others that I should make an effort to get myself into university my mother in no uncertain terms told me that I should remember my station in life and to stop filling my head with such ridiculous ideas. 

For the last few years, I have been striving to follow a code of life that involves causing no harm to others or the environment.  Surely to have ideas beyond your station goes against simply living the life of simplicity and going with the flow. 

On reading the definition of a snob I was in fact deeply concerned. But going with the flow and living the simple life does not mean that a person cannot delight in the pleasures of talent and the creations of others.

The unexpected joy of a piece of music that lifts the heart to another level. The sight of a beautiful work of art that makes the pulse beat harder with the desire to create something of equal beauty.

Where did this word, snob come from?

When Oxford and Cambridge Universities decided to admit commoners as students in the 1600s, the unprecedented flood of new innovative thought had a tremendous impact on English society. 

Each student was listed on the record by name and title. The commoners' names were listed with the Latin inscription, Sine Nobilitate, meaning Without Nobility. The abbreviation was S. Nob., which within the rigid class systems of the time had both positive and negative connotations. 

The word "snob" came from this time and is still in use today it was a word to keep those from a lower class in their place and to know their place. 

My striving after the Tao is the exact opposite it makes me want to experience and enjoy all those exciting things created for the sole purpose of creating peace and harmony. 

AmI a snob? I suspect I am but I hope I am at least a caring snob. In contrast for those who can live with a little swear word or two might I suggest a listen to the famous song of John Lennon, A Working Class Hero. I found my mind in a quandary of just what kind of snob I might be.

Have a wonderful carefree day and who really cares about the finger pointing? If it points in the right direction to peace harmony and love. That is what the abstract painting above is trying to say, not sure if it does. 

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