Tuesday 23 April 2019

Time to breathe.

Back to square one, the painting without the titles and the name. I chose this because the aim of the book I am working on is to create time and space for quiet contemplation. A time each day to gather thoughts before facing the hectic day ahead.

Maybe I need to take this a bit more seriously myself, I ended up yesterday with far too much to do and ended up not getting it all done. Today looks as though it will be another day of the same with no time left to write.

It is so simple to allow ourselves to become overloaded. This is even worse when it is a person who is supposed to be retired and plenty of time to spare. 

There is a lovely and very true story of a famous archaeologist who was working in deepest Peru. He had employed local tribesmen to help carry all the need equipment to the site of the dig.

After many hours of travelling through difficult terrain, the locals laid down their loads and sat down refusing to go any further. Despite all the protestations of the archaeologist and the persuasion, he could not get them to move. Through a translator, he explained that he was paying them above the expected rate and he expected them to cooperate with him. In spite of all, they refused to move.

Then all of a sudden without a word they all stood up picked up their loads and resumed the journey. There seemed to be a complete change of attitude among all of them. Once again they sang as they travelled.

When the bewildered archaeologist asked what had happened and what the stop was all about he was told, "They could not move any further because they had been moving too fast and they had to wait for their souls to catch up."

Now, whether you believe in a soul or not, there is a strong message here in this tale. We all have to take some time to allow our inner being to catch up. To steady our lives, take time out to gather ourselves and our thoughts before making haste yet again. 

So before you get about the business of the day, relax for a moment and then enjoy it.

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