Thursday 18 April 2019

Home Sweet Home

I eventually arrived home last night, the journey seems to get longer each time I make it but I did get there and did not get lost on the way.
I had a good time and even though some of the trails I walked seem to be getting higher and harder to negotiate I did manage to walk some that I have not done for a number of years. I was working on the basis that the next time I am in that part of the world I might have two new ankles, not just the one. But I will be even older. 
Sharing a holiday with my son often meant that I walked twice in a day. I get up out of bed much earlier than he on holiday, which meant I had already walked six miles before he got out of bed. He, of course, wanted to walk again later so I ended up doing two walks and feeling exhausted. Lawyers, they seem to work on a different clock from me.
I heard an interesting tale about two lawyers who had met at a conference and became friends. One was Canadian and one was a Czech. They decided to visit each other. 
They went walking together in Canada and the poor Czech ended up being eaten by a grizzly bear. The Canadian reported the incident and the police decided to kill the bear if it had turned bad. They asked the Canadian to identify the beast. He pointed out a large male bear. When it was dissected there was no sign of the Czech When the killed the female bear there was the evidence.
So you see you should never trust a lawyer when he tells you the Cheque is in the mail.
Yes, forgive me I am getting older but think of this. 
Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me! My theory on ageing is that I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've travelled a long way and many of the roads weren't paved.
First, you forget names, then you forget faces.  
Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.
When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to your youth, remember Algebra, which even to this day I do not understand.
Have a great day.

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