Monday 8 April 2019

Taking the correct path.

 Tomorrow I am heading off for a few days to one of my favourite spots where I will be spending time with my son and daughter in law. 

 I was remembering an earlier visit he and I had to the same place.  We went out for a run one morning along with a route I could almost have run blindfold I had been there so often.  As we ran I became aware of my age. I was correct so to be concerned it was not long after that I stopped running and took up the more leisurely pace of walking.   I said to him that I was aware that age was making me a bit slower. He laughed, and commented, “I have two things to say. One you will notice you are in front of me, and two, we have not passed anybody else your age out doing this.’ Point made and point taken.

Then I saw that my years had not been totally wasted. We came to a small river. Having run this path so often before, I knew where I could, without losing stride, step over two large boulders to the other side. At this point, my son said, “Come on dad just go for it.” He proceeded to make the jump, only to land flat on his face his shoes full of water. It is all about the right things at the right time.

There is a tale of another old man and his wife. They were a lovely old couple in their 80s. They had been married for 60 years and we're still looking fit and well. In spite of their health, they met an untimely end one day in a traffic accident. 

They found themselves at the pearly gates. The angel showed them around. They were shown where they would live it was beautiful. The husband asked what the rent would be? They were told it was free. He then noticed just behind his house a beautiful golf course. He enquired what the green fees were and the membership rates. Again he was told it was all free. In the clubhouse, he saw all the wonderful food. He asked where all the healthy fat-free food was. He was told there was no such thing. He could not get ill so he could enjoy whatever he wanted. 

He looked at all this and considered it.

He turned to his loving wife and asked her, “What was all that about those awful bran flakes, we could have been here ten years ago.”

The road is in fact just what we make it. Rough or smooth hard or easy. The better road is always the one that leads to a feeling of achievement and wellbeing.

Have a great day.

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