Thursday 17 May 2018

Size seems to matter.

Now and again in life, things come along that raise us to the heights of pleasure a momentous event like the day you step forth from university knowing that at last, you have gained that hard worked for degree. On this day you can relax and enjoy with others the wonderful feeling that it brings.

We all have similar moments and we all yearn to make lasting achievements. I was recalling to a friend only yesterday that I still longed to produce an artwork that might last after I have long gone. 

The bottom line is we will have those moments but we have also to learn to enjoy the little moments also. Most of our days and years consist of those little moments of joy and wonder. The cooking of a meal that is enjoyed by others. The little trips to friends knowing that you have brought a little laughter and happiness. The cutting of the lawn and the joy it gives when the garden looks tidy fresh and colourful.

It is all those little things that build up to bring the occasional momentous moments.

It is rare that we can make those grand gestures. A great round of golf is but three hours out of an entire lifetime and many hours of bad rounds of golf. The paintings of the great artists might sell at a great price but they are viewed no and then for a few moments.

The greatest symphonies are but a few notes in the vast seas of music.

If we desire to be successful we will be so when we pay attention to the small things in life. The great round of golf begins on the first tee with the first shot. Get that one wrong and the great round will not happen.

We must not allow ourselves to fall into the trap of waiting too long for those big things and in the process let the many little moments of joy slip past us.

It is fatal to wait for the perfect. It is to simple to end up constantly complaining that life is against us our greatness is not recognised.  Just for the time lower the sights and see all the beautiful opportunities swirling around our feet. Humble ourselves enough to bend down and scoop the little treasures of joy up into our hands.

Have a joyful day full of wonderful little moments. 

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