Thursday 3 May 2018

Make a Stand.

I was brought up to be a few things, honest, caring and to be willing to stand up for what I believed in no matter the cost. To never falter in my determination to do what I thought was right, but to be prepared to see that I might be wrong. Do not follow the whims of passion or the latest fad. Above all to create my own destiny in honesty and never in that desire causing hurt to others.

I think it is because of this that I have a real love of poppies, even though this has at times got me into deep water. I have for as long as I can remember been a pacifist and a lover of the white poppy. This often led to conflict with teaching authorities. Resolve to tread the path of life no matter the cost. Becoming a minister meant a great loss of many family members and friends, having been brought up in a family that was much against religion was not simple.

Without meaning and purpose in life, we would be as well dead. Death I know is unavoidable but it should come not from loss of will but because time is over.

We must, as long as we can keep going use our imagination to cope with the difficulties life throws your way Resolve to overcome the obstacles and reach a goal.

This may all sound rather negative but let me assure you that the path leads to such unexpected joys and friendship that is fulfilling. The nature of human existence is such that things do not always go the way we hoped. We have to accept those times and hold firm to that which matters, always with an open mind.

It is a fact. Life grows shorter each day by twenty-four hours. The time to make achievement becomes more and more precious. We must strive to fulfil what we want and release our will when time runs out. 

Your life and my life is a creation that is not infinite. Until that day, that moment, create the poetry and music of one's life with a determination. I am aware I am not the oldest reading this but I am almost such and from those years I assure you to hold on to what is important and worthy brings a real sense of peace that is worthy of it all.

have a marvellous day. 

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