Monday 23 April 2018

I need to accept.

There is a prayer that that goes thus:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change.
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time,
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.

These words have helped many in grave difficulty to face the morrow with courage. It is never simple to accept that there are things in life that we cannot ever change We often have ambitions to move in a certain direction but something just stops us from acheiving that ambition. We make plans for the future to find that the things of life mean that those plans need to be put aside.

Often this leads to anger and frustration. The wise sage tells us to remain silent in such situations and continue to go about the preparations for the next moment of living.

Accepting that we are not in control of everything does not mean we have surrendered to fatalism. it does not mean giving in to some sort of sense that we have no hand in what will happen next.

It does not mean accepting that we are helpless beings For example in times of drought the wise prepare by storing whatever water is available. Sensible actions for difficult times. On the other hand, such people will not plant flowers that require much water. That is ignorance and big headedness.

Acceptance of reality is not doing nothing it is seeking to learn what is needed and acting accordingly.

A young man had achieved much in his life that had been recognised by many. He was proud of what he had managed to accomplish and began to live in the glory of his accomplishments. He gloried in the many tributes that came his way. 

Yet with all his accomplishments, he has missed out on something crucially important to him, his father's acceptance and recognition that what he has accomplished is valuable. he just could not understand why his father had not joined in the praise of his good fortune. 

He went to his father one day and had a candid discussion with him. he asked, "Father I have achieved so much in my life. What more do you want ?"

His father looked at him and in deep thought said, "Someday you will look back and say, "I could have done more."

His father had indeed been proud but saw that his sone had not learned the difference between what could be changed and what could not. His father saw that he could have gone on to even greater things had he had the wisdom just to reflect for a moment and know.

The sage says So long as one's deeds are in accord with the time and one does not leave sloppy traces, the actions are right.

 The above painting is my third attempt to paint Lao Tzu. I find while listening to his words having some face before me helps my understanding of his teachings.  Maybe I need to learn to accept the things I cannot do and change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Have a wonderful day.

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