Tuesday 31 October 2017

It all depends how you see life.

I walked yesterday in the early part of the day, the light was stunning. Not far from where I live there are two lochs with paths and gates so that it is possible to walk around the outside of them both as one nice walk. 

There are a number of people go there and do a circuit some go round and then about turn and go around in the opposite direction. My pal Bert can be persuaded to do this. I have been trying to get my fitness level up a bit and lose the odd pound or two so I have been walking briskly around the route five times which is only seven miles.

As I was walking around this morning I kept seeing this weed. Each time it looked different, I just could not resist. After completing my five circuits I returned to capture it.

As I was one of the other walkers said, "Just a weed no great beauty there." I replied that I saw a beautiful sparkling abstract.

I suppose it depends on how you see things. 

There is a lovely story of a man who had recently found an interest in religion.

He was sitting at the side of a track very interestedly reading the Bible while waiting for transport back to the village. Every now and then would exclaim, “Alleluia, Praise the Lord, Amen” and on and on as he read.

A sceptic heard him and came and asked what he was reading.

He answered,” I am reading how God parted the Red Sea and let the Israelites go through–- that is a miracle!”

The sceptic explained “Do not believe everything the Bible tells you. The truth of the matter is that that body of water was only really 6 inches deep–- so it was no miracle.”

The man nodded in disappointment but kept on reading as the sceptic was walking away feeling proud that he had set the man straight. 

All of a sudden the sceptic heard the man  let out a big “Alleluia, Praise the Lord!”

At this, the sceptic came back to him and asked, “What is it this time?”

The man said excitedly in one breath, “This one is a real miracle, God drowned the whole Egyptian army in 6 inches of water!!!”

Yes, it all depends on how you look at it. 

And so it is with life. 

The last three days I have noticed a man arrive at the lochs with his dog. The two of them get out of the car and set off for their walk. They manage about a quarter of the way around and then return to the car. What I did not say was that the dog was very old and the man had to wheel his oxygen cylinder with him.  Makes my five laps pale into insignificance.

Is life a hurdle or something to see as a challenge?   When it is difficult is it time to give in or a time to face the challenge.

I suppose it all depends on how you see life. A weed or a wonderful abstract. 

Have a wonderful day. I hope the tenth hole on the golf course is not too big a challenge. 

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